May 06, 2013

ICRA and ROSCON 2013 Trip Report

by admin

Our trip to ICRA and ROSCON 2013 was a grand success. The highlights:

  • MoveIt! is released: We released MoveIt! from ICRA 2013. Read all about it on
  • The tutorial on Motion Planning for Mobile Manipulation: State-of-the-art Methods and Tools was a huge success. The talks were fantastic and a live demo with the PR2 showed the audience how they could start using MoveIt!
  • The booth demo with MoveIt! attracted a lot of audience interest as well. Thank you for coming to ICRA 2013 and visiting the Willow Garage booth.
  • The ROSCON Keynote talk was the first talk at ROSCON (after the introductory talks) and created a huge buzz around MoveIt!
  • We integrated MoveIt! with the Baxter Research Robot from Rethink Robotics at ROSCON 2013 (this was an initial proof of concept integration).