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MoveIt Applications

There are many diverse application examples of what you can use MoveIt for. The list below demonstrates some of the advanced applications developed on MoveIt. You can have fun by trying the applications, which may help you figure out how to fit different features together. If you are interested, you can visit MoveIt Tutorials for further technical details. At the same time, your contribution is encouraged, no matter the application is developed for some usages, competitions or research topics, or to demonstrate the newly developed MoveIt feature.

MoveIt Example Apps

Some advanced MoveIt applications with full robotic setups can be found in moveit_example_apps. If you have an awesome application using MoveIt, and you would like to share it with others, consider contributing it to this project with a tutorial detailing how to build and launch your application.

MoveIt Pro

PickNik Robotics offers the commercial-grade MoveIt Pro runtime and developer platform. Build on the foundation of the open-source codebase, MoveIt Pro enables commercial deployments of robots in unstructured environments faster and more reliable to ship to production. MoveIt Pro has been used to create challenging applications like:

Complex Task Sequencing for Material Handling

ML-Powered Bin Picking

Whole Body Cartesian Planning

Other Application Resources

If you have a large open source project using MoveIt, you can share the project links here:

  • Diabolo Play. 2 robot arms with sticks and string, playing with a diabolo. Uses MoveIt and bio_ik. Includes a Gazebo simulation plugin and Rviz visualization.